FlaxFood.com ~ Order-Canada

Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information, products & service since 1975 ~ online since 1995

"Wherever flax seed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health."   - Mahatma Gandhi

Home  ~  Contact Us

Order to Canada

by the case (12 or 16) shipped directly from the mill in Saskatchewan

secure ordering and payment processing by PayPal -- not on our site

(any major card -- PayPal account not required)

(Click here for USA destinations.)


Northern Edge® Organic Flaxseed

brain food ~ less inflammation ~ better elimination

highest in oil and ALA (Omega 3) ~ lowest in cadmium, lead, etc.

Lab Test Results for Contaminants (pdf format):

2017, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, GMO Test Results

(These results mean that common toxins are extremely low, nearly undetectable, in N Edge Flax.)


High nutrition food at low prices. Stock up on the best healthy flax super food.


Northern Edge Org Milled Flaxseed

12 Pack

(protected by vacuum-seal for high quality well beyond package date)

Order 12 bags N Edge Org Milled Flax

$107 (U.S.) + $20 postage

(Delivered directly from the mill in Saskatchewan.)



16 Pack

Best Deal on N Edge Org Milled Flax!

(protected by vacuum-seal for high quality well beyond package date)

Order 16 bags N Edge Org Milled Flaxseed

$139.40 (U.S.) + $20 postage

(Delivered directly from the mill in Saskatchewan.)



Northern Edge Org WHOLE Flax Seeds


12 Pack

(protected by vacuum-seal for high quality well beyond package date)

Order 12 bags N Edge Org WHOLE Flax Seeds

$98 (U.S.) + $20 postage

(Delivered directly from the mill in Saskatchewan.)



16 Pack

Best Deal on N Edge Org Whole Flax!

(protected by vacuum-seal for high quality well beyond package date)

Order 16 bags N Edge Org WHOLE Flax Seeds

$129.50 (U.S.) + $20 postage

(Delivered directly from the mill in Saskatchewan.)



This page is for Canadian case orders only,

Please do not order to other international destinations here.

Contact us with a list of the items you want to order,

and your delivery location, then

we will email a link for you to place an order.


our payment processor is

pay safely, securely & privately

(NOTE: PayPal account not required.)

Click here for payment options.



For facts about FLAX SEED, CLICK HERE.

For details on flax BENEFITS, CLICK HERE.

For the details about FLAX OIL CLICK HERE.

For the nutrients in FLAX SEED CLICK HERE.

For details about OMEGA 3 fats, CLICK HERE. 

For details about the FIBER in flax, CLICK HERE.

For an archive of our "FLAX UPDATES", CLICK HERE.

For info about the best organic milled flax product, CLICK HERE.

For info about Delicious Greens 8000TM, antioxidant green food, CLICK HERE.


PLEASE VISIT our other health-related websites --

~~ ReallyWell.com ~~ WaterUS.com ~~


* Statements made in this website have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information, products & service

since 1975 ~ online since 1995

45+ years in the natural health field

330-920-9820 ~ Toll Free in USA: 800-542-1923

10 am - 5 pm Eastern Time, Monday-Friday

If you have a question or comment, CLICK HERE.


Live Really Well


Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information, products & service since 1975

Copyright 2003-2025 by Natural Health Enterprises -- All rights reserved.


Payment Options



Our clickable payment links take you to the PayPal secure online payment service, where you can use your major credit card or debit card, OR your PayPal account (if you have one), in a totally safe & secure process.

You do not have to have an account with PayPal. Whether or not you have an account, you can use any major card to pay.

(PayPal, which is owned by eBay, is the most used online payment processor.  It is used confidently and respected all over the world.)

Just click the pay button for the item package you select.

Upon completing the payment process, if you click to return to our site, you will go to a page with several links. From there, you can come back to FlaxFood.com if you want to order another item.

You may have an order sent to an address different from your billing address, if you wish. Just enter the information in the message section of the payment screen.

After making your payment, you should receive an email from PayPal confirming your order details.

If you have not received your order within an appropriate time, contact us so we can check on it. For many international orders it could take up to two weeks or so to get there.

NOTE: If you pay by PayPal "eCheck", there will be a several day delay in our receiving the funds. When the eCheck clears, your order will be processed and shipped to you. Then please allow a few more days for it to arrive. 

Telephone: 330-920-9820 (10 am - 5 pm U.S. Eastern Time, Monday-Friday)

ORDER BY PHONE with Check or Card

IF YOU WANT TO PAY BY PHONE using either your checking account or a credit card or debit card, call us at 330-920-9820 (Ohio) or toll-free at 1- 800-542-1923 (10 am - 5 pm Eastern, Monday-Friday).

(If we are unavailable when you call, leave your phone number and good times to reach you.)



You can "snail mail" a check or Money Order made out to "Natural Health" by contacting us for our mailing address.

NOTE: There will be a $10 surcharge imposed for a check returned for insufficient funds.


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